Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Im SOOOOO proud of myself....

Yesterday Tim and I celebrated 2 whole years of marriage! Yay us! We really didn't do too much since we really celebrated on Friday! LOL. But jus the same Im very of how far we have came in our marriage! Im truly blessed! Oh he did get me the sweetess card though! Tehe!

Aw the happy couple of two years and counting!!!!!

I have truly amazing myself this week!!!!! I have read two books in the matter of only a week. So not to toot my own horn or anything but....*beep*beep*ba BEEP* Lol. Who would have EVER thought I would like or even love to read! Yay me! Well promised i got my glasses this week so here's a couple of pictures! Tim says he likes me in glasses but im still unsure! (don't tell him but i still feel like a nerd in em! haha)

Oh and I have PROOF that im reading...... shocking i know! Not really! I wanted to share that picture!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Im so late........(on posting)

So I haven't been able to post lately! One bc work seems to taking a great effect into my life right now. Grant it though I do really enjoy my job though, so that's a plus. And 2nd any spare time I've had, I have had my little nose stuck in my new book series im reading! LOL. I have started reading the Twilight saga....i know what you think "oh my, are you serious?!"
Well i am and i really enjoy reading. It's weird that i say that bc i use to NEVER read.....I thought it was boring and a waste of time....but now, now i find it very enjoyable and very relaxing! Strange as it may seem that's it though.
Well, for a recent update in our unfolding story well call life. Mine and Tim's 2 yr aniv. seems to fastly be appocring.....(tuesday the 23rd) I can not believe how fast the time as flew by. It seems just like yesterday we were finishing wedding plans and excitedly awaiting our wedding day! But true as it may be 2 yrs has came and gone. I would change one single sec of my life with my husband! I love him more then ever and couldn't possibly imagine my life any other way! Im bless to no end with the love and support of a wonderful husband!

I though i was working this tuesday but what a bless that it turned to where im off so i get to send the day with my hubby! ;) But anyways moving on since i thought i would be working we went out friday and spent the WHOLE day together! What a teat huh?!! Considering that since i've been working i see him on a hit and miss bases! Grrr! We went to eat at Olive Garden, yummy, (thanks to mrs june and mr gary they gave us a gift card to there) and then we went to books a million were my sweet hubby got me the 2nd book NEW MOON....which is great i can't put it down! We also got coffee in Books a Million. It was Joe Muggs. Which if you have never got coffee there.....i HIGHLY suggest it! What i got was WONDERFULLY yummy! LOL. By that time it was only like 2 something so we walked around the craft store right next door! Then we went to see the movie "The Book of ELI" that was a very AWESOME movie. (how ever not suggested for youngsers!!!) then we haha went to walmart to buy food for the house! LOL. AHHHHHHH the life of a married couple! ;) But i wouldn't change any of our small yet priceless moments together!

haha rotfl........and this is way our crazy moments keeps our love alive and new!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was my yummy tasty wonderful treat that i got!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hummmmmmmmmmmm

All in all everythings has been going great for the millsaps!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

HAPPY V~DAY!!!!!!!!!!

So first of all..............


My sweet little hubby surprised me with 2 pink roses for two years!!!! (pinks my fav color!) and some yummy tasty Chocolate!!!! hummmm.....and a sweet card! An in case your wondering if i got him anything........well duh of course I did! haha

First I up and cooked him his fav breakfast ( grits and eggs *yuck* lol) anyways then I lighted some candles and spread little heart shaped candy out all of the table! I also made him a scrapbook of all pictures of us. Then the kittys an koda added pictures of themselves! lol. haha!

Here's a picture of the table........

And this is what he wrote of the front of my card bless it!!!! And then of course my prudy pink roses! Which I also took some pictures of our rings in the roses! Jus some pic fun!

So really we just chilled most of the day and took the day easy which is really nice since we're usually both working! lol

But for supper momma mary & pops alvin cooked all of us kids and grandkids steak and twiced baked taters! hummmm it was so good!!!!! I stuffed myself like a little piggy! lol. But what was the best was watching the everybody take turns play the wii! haha JUST DANCE!!!!
You can't help but laugh uncontrollably watchin everyone try dancing! We even got my brother in law paul to dance! haha! so that pretty much sum's up the great part of our valentines day!
Oh and I must say a special that you to my best friend/ sister casey!!!!!!!! Yesterday I totally forgot to check our mail so....I did today! And in the mail I got the sweet card and gift for valentines day! Casey you totally made my whole day! Your truly the only friend I can count on and trust!!!! God has truly blessed me with you and our special sisterhood!!!!

So since i totally you about my valentines day i must include the telling about our BIG snow day yesterday! Which really started Friday night!!!! I was working Friday when all the snow started which by the way was _______ trying to come home in!!!!! What normally takes me about 25 mins to come home took an hour and fifteen mins. Yup it TOTALLY sucked!!! I had never been so thankful to be home in my intire LIFE! lol. So all in all we really got alot of snow! So moving on.....Saturday morning Tim and I got up and we went out and played in the snow with the girls, charlene and paul! Which was a blast......I felt like such a little kid myself! I believe your never to old to play in the snow! So after about 2 hours of straight playin in the snow we come in! Only for me to get a phone call from a VERY sweet little nephew! "But i want you 2 come play with me" lol. Well of course I couldn't turn down an offer to go play in the snow with the boys and ride 4 wheelers and play in the hot tub!!!! I love my life as a auntie! Plus their still young enough right now to think their auntie is "COOL" haha LOL! Tim and I are really blessed with awesome nieces and nephews!!! They really are great kids!
welp i think that about wraps it up and the fact that it's 11:15 and im sleepy! lol
I hope everyone had a blessed and happy valentines day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sadly enough today I have to say I had nothing of interest happen today! It was a rainy blah day with no high point of the day! LOL
I did go 2 work but, I worked the AL side (Assit. living side) So........see it was a pretty boring day!
I have worked on Tim's Vday project for most of the day though! Now I can't tell ya now what it is bc that would jus spoil my supprise! An I can't do that now can I?!
Maybe 2marrow something new and interesting will come.....jus not 2day

Monday, February 8, 2010

today was.....grrrrrrr......jus well.....GRRRR DANG IT!!!!!

You ever jus had one of em days when you jus want to crawl right back in bed and try to wake up and just do it ALL over again!?!
Well today was def one of those stinkin days! First I went for glasses.....which doesn't make me happy in the first place considering I feel like I look like a nerd and a little ugly duckling when I HAVE to wear! (which by the way I have no choice!!!! the eye doctor said ALL the time!!! Is when i have to wear em now!!!!!) Not 2 mention that the eye doctor said my eyes are really funky! I can't see close up with one eye and can't see far off with the other! And to beat it all my eyes don't adjust to light well so...I have to have a special some kind of lens coating put on em! ~BLAH~BLAH~BLAH~
Then what I thought was goin to be the price of my glasses totally got threw for a loop bc of the cotton pickin "special" coating they have to put on em!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Double grrr! So what should have been 69.95 for two pairs of glasses turn into 218.18?! What the heck? right?!?!

Anyways I guess this is jus me being on my soap box preachin to myself! LOL!

Other than that my head is hurting! I guess cuz I been so upset 2day! Plus I miss some of my family! Boy Im jus a reg. lil basket case today huh?! Welp I can only go 2 bed now with the high hope of 2marrow being a much better day! (i'll post pictures of my new *tear* glasses when i get them in "the next 10 days buiz days!" lol)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A usual day until.....the fork comes out!!!!!

So like any other day I figured yesterday was going to be as normal as they come......bahaha...once agian was I wrong! I got up and got ready for what I thought was going to be goin into work at 9 and shadowing know when your new at a job you got a couple of day of just straight following someone around and learning the job. Welp no sooner had I got there they told me someone had called out and they needed me for 2nd shift. So no big deal right?!!? *oh snap, wait* She meant on my own!!! Oh well.

So I got back to work at 3 and went on to the Alzheimer's unit, can I just say WOW now?! Anyways boy o boy did they keep me on my feet! Chasing this one over here then running back and chasing one in a totally different direction! LOL.

With in my first 2 hours of my shift one little lady got away from me and pulled the cotton pick FIRE this wasn't too too bad considering there's a special cover that alarms just to let me know someone is messing with it! haha..

Then lets see oh yes one lady told me she was going to knock my head off...(lol) I told her "you don't want to do that you'll make me cry!!!" Her reply " I don't care " Someones nothing in my job ever seems to surprised me any more! I meant really you work with elderly people for 4 years and you just learn that somethings are jus goinna happen or be said.

Now with saying that, one thing did however SURPRISED the dickens out of me last night. Some people are VERY pickie on who touches their walker. little lady was walking around just checking everything out. She made it over to a table where a group of VERY pickie ladies where sitting! She happened to touch a walker that did not belong to her....neatly to say lady who walker belonged to....STABED lady who walker did not belong to with a FORK! Now i can say in my 4 years of work I have never seen any be stabed with a fork! *note* that stabed lady was fine and only a small tiny tiny spot showed a little blood! :)

You know the unit I worked on tonight really made me think back on to how blessed and thankful I am to have another day with my husband and family! A day that I can remember a couple of days from now! I guess that's one good thing about this blog for when I do start forgetting I'll always have something to go back to, to remember!